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The psychology of colour in installations

27 September 2024
Alfa Allestimenti - Psicologia del colore negli allestimenti

How do we think about colour?

If you were asked what colours are, what would you answer?

For me, colours are living beings, highly evolved individuals that integrate with us and the whole world. Colours are the true inhabitants of space.

Yves Klein called it that, but the more correct way found today is that colour is a perception. A perception that has been widely proven to influence behaviour and even 85% of purchasing decisions.

An interesting case in point is that of Barnett Newman, author of the painting Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue III. Exhibited in Amsterdam at the Stedelijk Museum, the painting created a media case as one of the viewers deliberately defaced the work, claiming that he felt overwhelmed and that the painting provoked him because it was ‘so large, so red, so abstract’.

But how can a painting, a colour, have such an effect on a person? This and many other questions will be answered in our dedicated article.

What is colour psychology

Science has extensively studied the choice of colours: the symbolism they conceal, the meanings, the effects they have on people. Numerous studies have been done on the subject, but just as numerous are the questions about how colour actually acts on people.

Colours strongly influence human perception and purchasing choices, even if only through the name: more creative and imaginative names, such as ‘mocha’ over ‘brown’, are generally preferred.

Colour perception is in fact influenced by numerous factors, some conscious and some unconscious.

Conscious factors

Conscious factors are those we are aware of and can directly control. They are related to rational decisions or personal and cultural experiences; among these we have:

Unconscious factors

Unconscious factors, on the other hand, are those that influence colour perception without us being aware of it. They act at a deeper level, linked to psychological, biological and emotional processes. Examples include:

How colour affects audience engagement

Colour plays a particularly active role in settings, influencing emotions, perceptions and behaviour. In what way?

In fact, it is estimated that around 90% of a consumer’s first impression of a product or brand is based on colour. A fact that should not come as too much of a surprise since it has always been used by food supermarkets where we find super-coloured fruit and vegetable counters in full view at the entrance.

Set the right tone for your set-up

Over the years, we have been able to observe with our own eyes how colour is able to influence and guide people’s perceptions, how it can guide them to make certain decisions over others.

We apply this experience in our set-ups to help our customers achieve their goals. It is necessary to make a thorough study of the company, to understand the colours used in the brand logo and to find the right harmony for the set-up according to the purpose for which it was created.

This is our design: listening to the customer and bringing our expertise to bear; only then, together, can we bring the game home.


If you need information, are interested in receiving a quote, or just want to expound on your ideas, then please fill out the form below. If you have additional information such as: floor plan of the exhibition area of the Fair, types and quantities of products to be displayed, and preferences on finishes and colors; we recommend that you enter it in the form so that we can create a quote in line with your needs.

    Upload the floor plan of the exhibition space
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